NXNE: Whoops!

North American Premiere


Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema Sat, Jun 14, 2014 12:30 PM
Film Info
Runtime:89 minutes
Country Listing:UK
Cast/Crew Info
Director(s):Sam Robinson


Perhaps only a mordant British mind could come with up with the notion of a comedy about an “accidental” serial killer. In the vein of the Edgar Wright/Simon Pegg oeuvre, directors Tony Hipwell and Miles Watts create this indie tale of an ordinary office worker and mother of two named Rose (Elaine Glover) whose bad habit seems to be a form of murderous bad luck (running the gamut from impaled eyeballs to rivers of blood). Can a pair of determined-but-perplexed police officers piece together her trail of lethal klutziness before the body-count becomes horrific? NXNE

Screening with ORGANS (3 minutes) featuring The Uncluded.

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