Dave Not Coming Back

No Longer Available

Streaming until June 24
Film Info
Country Listing:Canada
Cast/Crew Info
Director(s):Jonah Malak


In 2004, two high level scuba-divers and long-time friends, Don and Dave, broke a world record for depth in Boesmansgat, a mythical freshwater cave in South Africa, and one of the biggest in the world. But right before surfacing back up, Dave found a body—one that had been forgotten there for over a decade. Along with a crew of eight divers and a cameraman, they decide to return and retrieve it. Little did they know, Dave would not be coming back. Filmmaker Jonah Malak recounts the historic mission, and Dave’s tragic story, through captivating underwater footage and modern-day re-enactments that immerse you in the beauty of these untouched depths. What emerges is a haunting and poignant look at loss, risk and what it means to dive into uncharted territories.

The film will be available for 48 hours from when you start the stream. Please note streaming is only possible from inside Canada. Need assistance? Visit our FAQ page or email us at streamingsupport@hotdocs.ca.

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