Feels Good Man

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Film Info
Runtime:92 min
Country Listing:USA
Cast/Crew Info
Director(s):Arthur Jones


First created in the pages of Matt Furie’s comic book Boy’s Club in the mid-2000s, the iconic Pepe the Frog character has gone from a symbol of stoner culture to an unwitting icon of online hate and far right politics. How did this happen, exactly? And can it be reclaimed? Set in the heated lead up to Trump’s election, this Sundance award winner follows Furie as he fights to bring his unlucky cartoon frog back from the brink of appropriation. His wild journey will take you into the heart of online life today and the memeification of our shared collective culture, where the meanings of images change moment to moment and cannot be controlled, even by their creators.

 Closed Captions are available for this screening

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Tickets: $9.99 (Regular Price)
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