Exhibition on Screen // Frida Kahlo

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Film Info
Runtime:90 min
Country Listing:UK
Cast/Crew Info
Director(s):Ali Ray


Who was the woman behind the bright colours, the big brows, and the floral crowns? Take a vivid journey through the life and art of a true icon in this in-depth look at the real Frida Kahlo. Offering privileged access to key works throughout Kahlo’s career, Exhibition on Screen unlocks the secrets and symbolism contained within her art to reveals her deepest emotions. Delving deeper than any film has done before, this definitive portrait highlights the source of her feverish creativity, her resilience, and her unmatched lust for life in a feast colour and vibrancy.

The film will be available for 48 hours from when you start the stream. Please note streaming is only possible from inside Canada. Need assistance? Visit our FAQ page or email us at streamingsupport@hotdocs.ca.

Additional Information

Exhibition on Screen: Experience the works of masters in exhibitions around the world in this acclaimed documentary series.

Tickets: $9.99 (Regular Price)
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