Masterclass in Audience Engagement

No Longer Available


Wednesday, January 27 - 9:30 AM (EST)

“If you have a big social following, your podcast audience numbers are guaranteed. If you’re a celebrity, no doubt people will tune into your show. Having a show that's outside the mainstream means only a few listeners will tune in (likely your friends and family).” All of these are misconceptions in how to establish, engage with, and grow your audience in podcasting. As the classic saying in podcast audience engagement goes, “It’s an art, not a science.” At this masterclass, leading insiders from Acast dig into the most interesting audience engagement trends and strategies they’ve seen and executed with creators of all backgrounds.


Tiffany Ashitey, Director of Partnerships, Acast USA 

Trace Gaynor, Associate Partner Manager, Acast USA

Becky Celestina, Partner Manager, Acast USA

Sophia LePage, Associate Partner Manager, Acast Canada


This Creators Forum session is guest curated by Acast as part of Acast Day: Seen and Heard: Elevating Diverse Voices & Stories.