Minoru: Memory of Exile

First Festival
  • animated person pressed against a window
  • three animated people against an old photograph
Film Info
Country Listing:Canada
Cast/Crew Info
Director(s):Michael Fukushima


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Streaming October 27 - April 27

Best Short Documentary, Hot Docs 1994

Born in Canada, young Minoru is labelled the enemy alongside all Japanese Canadians following the bombing of Pearl Harbour. In a blend of hand-drawn animation and archival materials, Minoru and his son, director Michael Fukushima, narrate their family’s internment, deportation and eventual return to Canada. A heartbreaking meditation on birthright and Canadian belonging and winner of Best Short Documentary at the very first Hot Docs Festival.

30 Years of Hot Docs: First Fest: Celebrate the 30th anniversary of Hot Docs with a selection of the films that started it all.

The film will be available for 48 hours from when you start the stream. Please note streaming is only possible from inside Canada. For additional assistance, visit our FAQ page or email us at streamingsupport@hotdocs.ca.