A small zoo in South Korea provides haunting insight into how animals are losing their innate instincts by having to adapt to artificial habitats. Cinematographer Mincheol Wang (On the Rim of the Sky, 2015) returns to Hot Docs with his directorial debut, a patient and powerful observation of life in captivity. Creatures are confined to cramped enclosures, endure constant human handling and anesthesia, receive inadequate diet and exercise, and submit to force-feedings and assisted reproduction, all in the name of conservation. The zookeepers are committed and caring—but is our human drive to care for cute animals killing them? Is our desire to observe wildness up close leading to its demise? Unable to hunt or roam, the zoo animals suffer from new physical and psychological ailments, degenerative diseases and "zoochosis." Garden, Zoological provokes soul searching on whether zoos are tools for conservation or incarceration. Angie Driscoll