Children sitting on a curb
Event Information
Songs for After a War
Sunday, May 5, 2024 10:45 AM
A relentless, emotive and playful radiography of the post-war period in Spain and Franco’s regime creates a collage of pieces rescued from oblivion.
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Industry Passholder tickets are available online starting at 9:00 pm the night prior to the screening date, and up until one hour before the screening time. Passholders can also obtain tickets in person at the screening venue's box office on the day of the screening upon presentation of their pass. Venue box offices open one hour prior to the venue's first screening of the day.

Songs for After a War is a relentless, emotive, playful radiography of the post-war years under the Franco regime in Spain. A collage of pieces rescued from oblivion: neighborhood yard songs, patriotic exaltation, religious devotion, school or slum songs. Children’s comics, radio commercials, newsreels, scenes of hunger and desolation. And paradoxically, the need to sing, born from the drive to survive.
Basilio Martín Patino’s film is one of the most outstanding in the history of Spanish cinema, an unusual and audacious work, a dissident with respect to all norms, whether academic or industrial, political or aesthetic. Canciones para después de una guerra was produced in 1971 and was not released in Spain until 1976, as Franco’s dictatorial regime banned its circulation and export.
This screening of Patino’s film is an excellent opportunity for Canadian audiences to enjoy one of the masterpieces of Spanish documentary cinema in a print recently restored by Filmoteca Española and AC/E.

Film Info
Country Listing:Spain
Premiere Status:Canadian Premiere
Landing Page:
Festival Info
Festival Year:2024
Accessibility:Full Subtitles
Program Category:Made In Spain
Film Subjects:Politics & Political Intrigue
Popular Culture
Spanish Culture & Issues
War & Conflict
Cast/Crew Info
Director(s):Basilio Martín Patino
Cinematography:José Luis Alcaine
Music:Manuel Parada